interest groups

Interest Groups are subgroups within the Data Visualization Society that focus on creating data visualization within a specific domain of knowledge or an area within the data visualization field.

Emerging from the robust conversations that pop up on our topical channels on Slack, Interest Groups will curate additional opportunities such as webinars, virtual learning sessions, resource repositories, and more. These groups enable members with similar interests to connect, discuss new ideas, and learn from each other.

Interest Groups are not specific to any one location; for local chapters, learn more about becoming a DVS Local Affiliated Group.

Benefits for dvs interest groups

Interest Groups create dedicated space to advance conversations and knowledge sharing on a specific area of expertise, and we welcome ideas for new groups that our members will find interesting. Any DVS member is welcome to apply to lead a new Interest Group. As an organization, DVS will provide the following support to Interest Groups:


Member Outreach

  • Amplification of events through DVS Slack.

  • Promotion on DVS Social Media channels (currently limited to DVS-hosted events).

  • Group page listed on the DVS website, enabling discovery by new members. 



  • Access to shared resources that will ease the meet-up event planning process, such as virtual meeting and presentation platforms (Zoom, Streamyard).

  • Support for registration and reminders to members about virtual events.

  • Eligible to receive limited resources from DVS to support hosting and programming costs, allocated based on an application process and funding availability.


Community Support

  • Opportunity to connect with other DVS Affiliates. Co-organizers may join the quarterly chapter lead meeting and the dedicated private slack channel / organizers mailing list to share ideas, meet other organizers, and, if interested, plan joint events.


EXPECTATIONS OF interest group

Any existing community group focused on a specific topic OR a newly forming community group can apply to be an Interest Group if they meet the requirements below:

  • All the organizers of the group must be members of DVS which will help us communicate and collaborate. Membership can be at any level, including the free or dues-paying tiers.

  • Have a dedicated communication channel. DVS prefers the use of #location or #topic channel on Slack. However, if the group uses another channel it needs to be listed and accessible to our members.

  •  The organizers are engaged with the DVS including, sharing event information on the Slack #topic channel 

  •  Organize events (talks, workshops, etc.) at least four events per year, ideally once per quarter for schedule consistency.

  •  Abide by the DVS Code of Conduct, which lays out the expectations for the global DVS. Any confirmed violation of the code of conduct can result in the loss of affiliate status for the group.


Have a question, suggestion or feedback relating to DVS Interest Groups? Please contact us at