Tools of dedicated dataviz professionals

Created by Martynas Jočys

There are variety of tools to do dataviz and for someone who is just starting it is quite difficult to select which one to learn. One possible criteria might be whether this tool is used by professions focused on dataviz. R is focused on statistical analysis, Excel on spreadsheets, and python might be used for everything. So what is the tool which dedicated dataviz professionals use? The conclusion is that there is no such tool, because dataviz is more like a skill useful in many cases (financial reporting, UX design, journalism, etc.) rather than a profession by itself.

1. Data was looked at and understood.
2. Data was prepared on R.
3. Entries into "Others" field were tidied on Excel by hand.
4. Data was prepared on R even more. 5. Data was drawn on paper (many times).
5. Data was drawn on R (ggplot2 and patchwork packages were important).
6. Drawing was finalized on Inkscape.
