Country wise diversity of application domains of visualisation

Created by Amit Jena

Problem Description: I wanted to see how diverse is the application domains of data visualisation across the countries. DVS received a total of 1769 responses from 80 countries. 89 people did not specify their country info, and 29 respondent's country info was suppressed. To explore my question, I considered the responses to the following three questions: 1. What country do you live in? 2. As a freelancer, who do you make data visualizations for? 3. The organization you work for is in which of the following areas? Visualisation Description: The applications domains were identified by considering the pre-provided options in the above questions 2 & 3 and the Other option. If a domain is specified for at-least two countries, then it is mentioned in the main visualisation (check the 2nd sheet). Domains which is mentioned for only one country are listed in the 3rd sheet. In the 2nd sheet (#fc8d62) colour signifies the use of visualisation by at least one of the respondents; and (#8da0cb) colour signifies the absence of the use of visualisation by any of the respondents.